uPowerTek is excited to announce the acquisition of a state-of-the-art surge testing device, significantly boosting our product’s lightning protection capabilities. This advanced equipment now allows for differential mode and common mode surge testing up to 20kV and 10kA, doubling the capacity of our previous equipment, which maxed out at 10kV.

This upgrade means we can conduct more rigorous and comprehensive lightning protection tests, ensuring that our products remain stable even under extreme lightning conditions, thereby greatly enhancing their reliability.

The introduction of this new equipment brings several benefits to our products’ practical applications. First, by testing at higher voltages and currents, we can guarantee superior lightning protection in real-world usage, reducing the likelihood of lamp failures caused by lightning strikes. Second, the stricter testing standards allow us to identify and rectify potential issues early, improving the overall lifespan of our products. Lastly, the enhanced lightning protection ensures that our lamps can operate reliably in various environments, safeguarding both people and property.

This equipment upgrade underscores uPowerTek’s commitment to product quality and customer satisfaction. We will continue leveraging advanced equipment and technology to contribute to the industry’s growth and development.